Well, if you are a reader, and loves Horror/Thriller/Vampire/Demons/Ghost/Action/Mystery/Fantasy themed stories, for sure you should know about the author Master Of Horror Darren Shan, and his greatest books such as CIRQUE DU FREAK, DEMONATA and the THE THIN EXECUTIONER...

Actually, i got to know about the author and about his books after i watched the movie Cirque Du Freak: THE VAMPIRE ASSISTANT starring Chris Massoglia and John C.Reilly...You know something, actually i had this book in my closet my dad present it for my 18th birthday, but i never tried to read it because it has a 12 books on that time i hate to read......
So, after I've watched then i remembered i have this book and started to read the first book CIRQUE DU FREAK: THE LIVING NIGHTMARE, and i findout that the book has more things that never told in the movie even the movie is a combined of 3 books...After i read that first book, somethings made me to read more to know more about the character and what all the things he's facing......Just because of his one decision changes his life forever......

Well, it's two same book one with hardcover is for me and the paperback is for my friend...
In one day I've read the book about 116 pages, hahaha...can't wait for the next part releasing on April 2011....
More about the author:
More about the movie:
Wanna follow me to read, I'm currently waiting for these to be released soon:
- INVINCIBLE - The Chronicles Of Nick ( February 2011) - Sherillyn Kenyon
- OCEANS OF BLOOD - The Saga Of Larten Crepsley (April 2011) - Darren Shan
- The Lost Hero - Percy Jackson (Released January 2011) - Rick Riordan- Didn't buy it yet, but will by next week!!!
Got more to follow, but until now this is what i remember, first of all; those books that you've to read, to follow these books is in below:
To follow the OCEANS OF BLOOD: you need to come all the way of the SAGA OF DARREN SHAN and SAGA OF LARTEN CREPSLEY.
To follow The Lost Hero: You need to start your journey from the Lightning Thief.
good luck!!!
So hope to meet yaa soon!! If you're already in the stage where i am, then feel free to share your feeling and comments about those books...